Saturday, May 31, 2008

Yummy yum yum

Felt like pigging out so got the receipe from my dear cousin and made this yummy miso soup steamboat. I prepared too much food and I really feel like a oink oink now!

Kieran the builder

A boy of few words but son loves to play with blocks, sort them out and build them up.. patiently.



Kayla's fever is still on the high side (Uncle Ong, where are you???). Mummy & Kayla havent been sleeping well for a few days already. She has been very whinning also; nothing I do seem to please her.

Been praying alot to stay calm.. Yoga helps too!

Some quotes I "borrowed" from my cousin's blog:

"Children need love, especially when they do not deserve it."

"We need to be patient with our children in the same way God is patient with us."

Friday, May 30, 2008

Not again!

We really should consider moving nearer to TMC! My poor Kayla was down with a viral fever on Wed night (must have caught the virus fr her classmate) and for the past 2 days, her temp was between 38 to 39.5. So brought her to Dr. Ong's clinic this morning but we saw Dr. Julia Wong instead, because Uncle Ong is on leave.

She had to do a urine test. Luckily she is toilet trained & cooperative so made collection easier. Thank God, no urine infection. Dr. Wong said no sore throat & lungs are cleared as well.

I paid $70 for another bottle of fever medicine!!!! Oh well...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Mad about doodling

I bought another Aquadoodle mat - Dora & Diego! I joined this spree some time ago & paid SGD$66.90 for the mat plus shipping. Come to think of it, its the same price as Thomas & friends Aquadoodle mat I got in Melbourne! So its not exactly cheap! Anyway, my kids love it :)


Monday, May 26, 2008

Playhouse for the kids

Daddy bought a post office cum shop playhouse for the kids.

Kieran will "manage" the post office..

Kayla will "manage" the shop!

I think we need to buy a bigger house to accomodate all these big toys!!

Shopping day!

In the mood to window shop today! So quickly changed & we (kayla & I) left home at 10.45am. We went to Centerpoint & Taka and I bought some clothes for Kieran with the robinsons voucher.
Oh my goodness! Dont you think she looks like hurricane (Isaac)?? Ha ha!!

Reached home at about 2.30pm and we left for Vivo at 5.30pm to meet daddy for dinner.
While waiting for daddy, popo went to Everbest. Kayla was busy trying on the shoes too!

Went to Thai Accent for dinner. We had green curry, steamed fish with lime & chilli, pineapple rice and tom yam soup- delicious! Total damage: $85 (after 15% disc)!

Kayla: "Remember blue bowl is yours, dont touch mine."

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Dora's pirate adventure LIVE

Brought my very excited Kayla to watch Dora the explorer LIVE at expo. The Tan family was there too. It was 1.5hr of fun & laughter (with 15mins break in between?!). We have the pirate adventure vcd so Kayla knew the lines & songs well. She was so engrossed she didnt blink her eyes, so were the little Tans!

Ms Buangkok!

Mummy & Kayla.. very excited!

With the Tan family. Uncle Tan took the picture.

During the 15mins break. Kids entertained themselves.

Part of the show

Saturday, May 24, 2008

National Family Day..


Jiu2 won 7 tickets to the Singapore Flyer on Family day, which is today. One of the members must be above 55yrs old and another must be below 13yrs old.. and we fit the bill! So popo, tai-ma, jiujiu, daddy, mummy me, Kayla, Kieran & maid got to experience the SF. Oh children below 3yrs old are not counted (FOC).. so we have 1 extra ticket.

In case the slide chu pattern & you cant view any pics, just click on the x at the top righthand corner.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

No sign of fever

Updates: Strangely (after the 6hrs wait & $61 consultation + 1 bottle of paracetamol!) Kieran's fever is gone! Imagine I waited for so long & all I got was a bottle of fever medicine, which I already have - 3 bottles to be exact!

His temperature was 39 all the way, until I stepped into Dr. Ong's clinic. When I reached home, his fever was gone. Miracle or not?? Maybe I should hang a picture of Uncle Ong at home!

Anyway, I am so happy Kieran is fine. :)

Look-alike Meter

Huh?? I thought Kieran looks more like me?!!

Look-alike Meter

Sure or not?? Definately looks more like daddy. by 100% ! Maybe this meter can predict the future?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Guess where I brought Kieran to & spent 6 hours and paid $8 for carpark???

To Dr. Ong E.K's clinic!! Kieran was alittle feverish on Sunday and had high fever last night. We suspected might be due to his teething and Dr. Ong confirmed that. He said Kieran's left molars are erupting and right molars are going to erupt! His throat is abit red & dry (despite drinking tons of water) too.

We had to wait for SO LONG for our turn today because there were 15 newborns, 3 deliveries and MANY walk-in.

Poor Kieran waited until his hairs all stand and curly!!

We had lunch at "Cafe de TMC". Kieran talked to the spoon while I ate.

Updates: Erupting teeth (blue); Signs of new teeth erupting (green).

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Nursing wrap

Recently I saw this innovative product online & decided to buy for my gd friend who is breastfeeding. It is a nursing cover which protect mummy's modesty while allowing her to easily nurse in public. I was not skilful enough to nurse discreetly in public places and I remember I had to do it in the car or looked high & low for a nursery room!

Since I din get to enjoy such luxury during my time (!!!), I tried it on just to get a "feel" of it. Ha!Ha! If I should have baby no.3, I will definately borrow from her (thick-skinned? dont care!).

Nice or not?? Guess whos hiding under the cover?

My big fat kayla!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Fight Club

Almost every weekend aunty Janice will organise a gathering for the kids at her place. Recently they moved to Siglap and Kayla likes (her exact words) "the biggest house" (Oh no, add pressure to daddy ha ha ha!).

Now we have 6 fighters and another is on the way (due in Oct).

After the fight club, we (8 adults & 6 kids!) went to Pasta Fresca for dinner. Its not easy to find a place that can accomodate so many little rascals! Luckily, my two Ks were quite cooperative today so daddy & I were able to enjoy our food :)

Chubby baby fighter feeling shiok after his milk!

Fighters in action

Part of the "biggest house"!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Silly ones

This is so funny! Big sister entertained her brother with peek-a-boo and he laughed & laughed!

Whos hiding inside the blankie???


Kayla: Ha! ha! I am so funny right?!
Kieran: Again again!!

Pretty hair clippies

Love the hair clippies I bought from SMH! Just ordered some more :P

Mummy & daughter first hair cut..


In the mood for a hair cut today so I brought Kayla along.. and we went to a hair salon owned by a few modern lao aunties (recommended by my sister!). Actually I've been there a few times and I think its value for money & they dont try to push for other treatments/pdts!

Pretty or not??

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Indoor playground!

Ok, look at what they have done to my mattress!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Tooth Eruption

Kieran has 12 teeth now, including 3 that are erupting ( Upper- 2 cuspids & 1 first molar). No wonder he has been bitting me!

Sounds like..

I asked Kieran if he wanted to sleep & he said "sleet". Then I asked again & he said "sleet". I looked at him and said "SLEEP".. and he replied "sh#t". Hmm..ok he learnt a new word!

Ms Lala

Check out my cool glasses!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Priceless drawing??

Daddy entertained Kayla with his drawing! Mummy is very disturbed by the "curly-hair man with stick legs and potato feet" ! Who is that??

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Wheres Z monster?

Since Kieran was a baby, he hardly sleeps through the night. For the past few nights, he woke up at 3-4am to play and slept on our bed.. and for the past 2 weeks, he got up at 7.30am! Oh what a torture for sleepyhead mummy me!

During the day, he moves non-stop. Even when it is time for him to take a nap, he will struggle & make noise for a good 15mins before he sleeps!

Oh dear, is he going to be a workaholic like his daddy??

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Daddy is so proud of his son because he plays football like "a red devil". Apparently, Kieran will place the ball properly before he kicks! Goal!

Full of surprises..

Today I am so happy with my kids' little achievements..

Milestone for Kayla: 90% toilet trained

She still needs to wear diapers when she sleeps.. I guess that will take a while to train. Its easier than I thought; I was prepared of 1 week of "accidents", mess and fuss but Kayla was very cooperative and she takes instructions well too. Keep it up!

Milestone for Kieran: Able to suck from a straw

Maybe he already knew how to do that a long time ago but it was only today I let him have his first sip of yakult and was amazed he could drink from a straw!

Kieran loves to play with blocks and enjoy sorting them out. He claps when he does it right. Well done son!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Potty training Day 2

Well, day 1 was obviously not successful..

Today there was slight improvement. Kayla would allow me to bring her to the toilet every 45mins without kicking a fuss, unlike day 1.

She uses the kiddy toilet seat nai nai bought. Earlier on, when my brother went to the toilet she told him (in her exact words), "wait wait.. be careful of my toilet seat." Ha ha!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Early Mother's day treat

My brother decided to treat mum & myself (on behalf of my kids; to repay him when they work haha) to Carousel at Park Royal hotel.. The food is sooo-oo-o good!! It was voted the best buffet restaurant in Yr 2007 by The Straits Times.

Sorry, no pictures because I forgot to bring my cam.. then after we left the place I realised I can take with my handphone what! duh..

Friday, May 2, 2008

Miracle doctor

Only Dr. Ong's miracle touch & medication helps Kieran. Daddy always tell me "Doctors are all the same.. same medicine what" but our son proved him otherwise.

And so we were at Dr Ong's clinic this morning and as usual, Kieran was so happy running around.

As suggested by doc, I gave Kieran some cow's milk to try and I am SO HAPPY he is not allergic to it anymore (no vomitting)... finally!!
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