Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Guess where I brought Kieran to & spent 6 hours and paid $8 for carpark???

To Dr. Ong E.K's clinic!! Kieran was alittle feverish on Sunday and had high fever last night. We suspected might be due to his teething and Dr. Ong confirmed that. He said Kieran's left molars are erupting and right molars are going to erupt! His throat is abit red & dry (despite drinking tons of water) too.

We had to wait for SO LONG for our turn today because there were 15 newborns, 3 deliveries and MANY walk-in.

Poor Kieran waited until his hairs all stand and curly!!

We had lunch at "Cafe de TMC". Kieran talked to the spoon while I ate.

Updates: Erupting teeth (blue); Signs of new teeth erupting (green).

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