Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Doing Ok

Past 2 days were good. My angels were cooperative; they entertained themselves while I cleaned the house & cooked. I feel its necessary for kids to have a routine. Its good to let them know what to expect from their days. Of course sometimes we need to be flexible.

I have established a routine for myself too! It helps me to be more organised & set aside time for my kids. I will bring them out for a walk or to the playground after lunch or before dinner time. They get frustrated if they are "grounded" at home for the whole day.

I'm still able to squeeze out some me-time when they nap between 2-4pm and when they go to bed at 10pm. It helps to keep my sanity!!

Its still quite cold now. When summer comes, I will bring the kiddos for swimming lessons at the Olympic park.

Overall, I think I am managing ok (fingers & toes crossed!!).


Jan said...

as i would say to tyler, "good job wendy!"... keep it up and do let us know if u need anything.

Wendy said...

thanks mummy janice!

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